In this section Christian asks Hopeful how he came to be a Christian (i.e. a persons concerned for his soul). Hopeful goes on to explain how in Vanity Fair he had lived a life of debauchery but had come to realize that these things would cause death and the wrath of God to come upon him. Even after knowing his spiritual condition, Hopeful tried to ignore it. His excuses for not leaving this life of self-pleasure were many but the more he ignored his spiritual condition, the more he understood that he could die and be judged by God. Hopeful then tries to reform his life. He leaves bad company, bad habits and devotes himself to praying, Bible reading and other religious practices. His life improves but all of this makes him realize that before God his actions are like filthy rags. Furthermore, even if he had lived up perfectly up till then, all of his past sins condemned him. His debt to God was so much that he could never pay it no matter what he did. Hopeful then asks Faithful and hears "that unless I could obtain the righteousness
of a man that never had sinned, neither mine own, nor all the
righteousness of the world could save me." Faithful asserts that this person was the Lord Jesus.
Hopeful continues to ask: "I asked him further, how that man's
righteousness could be of that efficacy to justify another before God?
And he told me he was the mighty God, and did what he did, and died the
death also, not for himself, but for me; to whom his doings, and the
worthiness of them, should be imputed, if I believed on him. [Heb. 10,
Rom. 6, Col. 1, 1 Pet. 1]"
Faithful was showing him that it was Christ's death that would make him acceptable and righteous before God. What he needed to do was believe on him.
Faithful was showing him that it was Christ's death that would make him acceptable and righteous before God. What he needed to do was believe on him.
Faithful gives him a book (the Bible) to read and find out this truth on his own. He invites Hopeful to call upon the Lord to reveal himself and go to Him saying: "God be merciful to me a sinner, and make me to
know and believe in Jesus Christ; for I see, that if his righteousness
had not been, or I have not faith in that righteousness, I am utterly
cast away. Lord, I have heard that thou art a merciful God, and hast
ordained that thy Son Jesus Christ should be the Saviour of the world;
and moreover, that thou art willing to bestow him upon such a poor
sinner as I am, (and I am a sinner indeed); Lord, take therefore this
opportunity and magnify thy grace in the salvation of my soul, through
thy Son Jesus Christ. Amen. [Exo. 25:22, Lev. 16:2, Num. 7:89, Heb.
Hopeful prays this, over and over again but nothing happens. This again shows that praying or doing things on our own cannot save us. But finally, God shows himself to Hopeful:
Hopeful prays this, over and over again but nothing happens. This again shows that praying or doing things on our own cannot save us. But finally, God shows himself to Hopeful:
"I did not see him with my bodily eyes, but
with the eyes of my understanding; [Eph. 1:18,19] and thus it was: One
day I was very sad, I think sadder than at any one time in my life, and
this sadness was through a fresh sight of the greatness and vileness of
my sins. And as I was then looking for nothing but hell, and the
everlasting damnation of my soul, suddenly, as I thought, I saw the Lord
Jesus Christ look down from heaven upon me, and saying, "Believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." [Acts 16:30,31]"
Hopeful continues:
"Then I said, But, Lord, what is believing? And
then I saw from that saying, "He that cometh to me shall never hunger,
and he that believeth on me shall never thirst", that believing and
coming was all one; and that he that came, that is, ran out in his heart
and affections after salvation by Christ, he indeed believed in Christ.
[John 6:35]"
Hopeful has finally come to understand that only in and through Christ's death and resurrection he can come to God and have his sins washed away:
"He died for our sins, and rose again for our
justification." [Rom. 4:25] "He loved us, and washed us from our sins in
his own blood." [Rev. 1:5] "He is mediator betwixt God and us." [1 Tim.
2:5] "He ever liveth to make intercession for us." [Heb. 7:24,25]
Hopeful understands that Christ's offering himself as a sacrifice for his sins and to satisfy the penalty of them before God was "but for him that will accept it for his salvation, and be thankful."
At this point Hopeful has become "converted," a believer, a christian.
His life is changed:
His life is changed:
"It made me greatly ashamed of the vileness of
my former life, and confounded me with the sense of mine own ignorance;
for there never came thought into my heart before now that showed me so
the beauty of Jesus Christ. It made me love a holy life, and long to do
something for the honour and glory of the name of the Lord Jesus; yea, I
thought that had I now a thousand gallons of blood in my body, I could
spill it all for the sake of the Lord Jesus."
Hopeful now lives for Christ and is willing to give everything for him.
This is what it means to be a Christian. You can read this dialogue in modern language here starting on p. 170.
Hopeful now lives for Christ and is willing to give everything for him.
This is what it means to be a Christian. You can read this dialogue in modern language here starting on p. 170.
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