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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Issue with the Rick Warren is the Question

It seems that the issue with Rick Warren praying during the inauguration of Barak Obama is not making too many people happy. On the one hand are the gay activists who feel betrayed by Obama. They can't stand the fact that the current president-elect chose a pastor who opposed gay marriage to give the invocation. To them, it is anathema. Everyone who does not conform to their view is homophobic and intolerant. Holding this view is on par with denying them basic civil rights. So, to have someone representing such view is reprehensible. Let's give them credit, they are trying to be consistent. Barak Obama is not worried about being consistent in his view. In my opinion, he is looking for political expediency.
On the other hand are the Christians who oppose Rick Warren involvement in the inauguration. To them, it is also anathema that he would take part in a ceremony of a man who is pro-abortion. In their view, it is inconsistent with Christianity. Praying during the ceremony is equated with conforming, supporting and agreeing to some degree with Barak Obama's view. To say it strongly, Rick Warren is a hypocrite.
But here is the question. Does praying at the inaugural ceremony equal to supporting Barak Obama in some form? I think this is the question that must be answered. I think it is hard to answer unless you are Rick Warren. Let's play hypothetical. If his intent is to take part because he believes this is what every one ought to do for those in power ([this is what the Apostle Paul instructed Christians to pray, “… for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives” (1 Timothy 2:1b-3a)-by the way Nero was in power around this time.] then I think he is right. If his intent is to, in some way, support Barak Obama in any of the views contrary to Scripture and Christianity, then he is wrong to do it. My guess is that it is the former. Furthermore, I think the prayer is ceremonial in nature and says very little about what association Warren and Obama have with each other. We will have to wait and see what happens after.

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