The book of Exodus is foundational in understanding God's plan of redemption (salvation) through His Son Jesus Christ. It is in Exodus that we find how Israel, God's people becomes a nation governed by The Great I AM. Through Israel, the Savior would come to redeem us at God's due time (some 1500 years later).
As I read the book of Exodus, I see three underlying principles about God's plan for His people that apply to us as well. Though, the canon of Scripture is now closed, God continues to guide us through His Holy Spirit and these principles are evident in our lives.
Here are the three principles:
1. God's plan is according to his sovereign and perfect will.
Nothing can or will change what God has decreed. God's plan is perfect and though we are not, He will always do what He has sovereignly determined.
2. God's plan involves people (and he does use animals on occasions too - remember Balaam's donkey?).
I know this is a "duh" type of statement.
But as I am reading Exodus (and the whole Bible as well) I notice that God doesn't always use the people "we" think he will use. God uses people who believe in Him and people who don't believe in Him. My son just wrote in his meditation of Luke 1, "God does amazing things with regular people too." That is exactly right. In Exodus he uses Pharaoh to show his power. He uses the Egyptians also (they give the people of Israel departing gifts).
3. God's plan is not limited to our time.
God inhabits beyond time and space and as such he is not limited by it. His plan of salvation through our Lord Jesus from the time of Abraham (2090 B.C.) to His birth (3 A.D.) took over 2,000 years. God is not in a hurry. I have to admit that I have often questioned God's timing in his plan of salvation. Why did He wait so long? I don't have an answer but I know that He is not bound by my timing.
In Exodus, we find that from the death of Joseph to the time of Moses 400 years have passed. The people of Israel had been suffering for a long time as well. From Moses's birth to his calling 40 years pass. He also spends another 40 years in the desert. I can't imagine what it is to lead millions of stubborn people in the desert.
But the point is clear. God's plan is not in our time.
As you reflect on your life, think of these three principles. I invite you also to read Exodus (and the whole Bible as well) and see how these principles are evident.
In subsequent posts I will develop these ideas a bit more from the book of Exodus.
Here are the three principles:
1. God's plan is according to his sovereign and perfect will.
Nothing can or will change what God has decreed. God's plan is perfect and though we are not, He will always do what He has sovereignly determined.
2. God's plan involves people (and he does use animals on occasions too - remember Balaam's donkey?).
I know this is a "duh" type of statement.
But as I am reading Exodus (and the whole Bible as well) I notice that God doesn't always use the people "we" think he will use. God uses people who believe in Him and people who don't believe in Him. My son just wrote in his meditation of Luke 1, "God does amazing things with regular people too." That is exactly right. In Exodus he uses Pharaoh to show his power. He uses the Egyptians also (they give the people of Israel departing gifts).
3. God's plan is not limited to our time.
God inhabits beyond time and space and as such he is not limited by it. His plan of salvation through our Lord Jesus from the time of Abraham (2090 B.C.) to His birth (3 A.D.) took over 2,000 years. God is not in a hurry. I have to admit that I have often questioned God's timing in his plan of salvation. Why did He wait so long? I don't have an answer but I know that He is not bound by my timing.
In Exodus, we find that from the death of Joseph to the time of Moses 400 years have passed. The people of Israel had been suffering for a long time as well. From Moses's birth to his calling 40 years pass. He also spends another 40 years in the desert. I can't imagine what it is to lead millions of stubborn people in the desert.
But the point is clear. God's plan is not in our time.
As you reflect on your life, think of these three principles. I invite you also to read Exodus (and the whole Bible as well) and see how these principles are evident.
In subsequent posts I will develop these ideas a bit more from the book of Exodus.
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